Saturday, January 22, 2011

Delivery Room Box & Diaper Changing Kit 4 Dad

The Dad Box. Things for the new daddy while in the delivery room. Things include : tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant, razor, dads favorite candy, mints, It's a boy/girl candy cigars for dad to hand out, A hat that says "I survived the delivery room...And it's a boy/girl!!", a pen, and a note pad - dad can keep track of your contractions, names of who comes to the hospital, and gifts people left (to send thank you cards), and a bag to but all the paper work in that you will get from the hospital.

New Daddy Diaper Changing Tool Kit. Includes :  2-3 diapers, baby wipes, baby powder, baby lotion, rubber gloves, face mack, gooles, tongs, hand sanitizer, poop poncho, ear plugs, nose plugs, a rattle, and some pain reliever for him.

step by step directions on how to change a diaper for daddy

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