Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chinese Dinner Date Night

Here's what you'll need:

  • Chopsticks (see if you can snag 2 sets from a take-out place nearby)
  • Take-out Boxes (you can usually find these around $1.00 at craft stores)
  • Oriental Music - I just played some sample clips from Amazon
  • A Karate Movie ( if you don't want or can't find music)
  • Red, Gold and Black accents (decor)
  • Chinese Food for dinner
  • Fortune Cookies (real or paper)

- You can also look for Oriental clothing (I found the hats below at iParty).
-I saw slippers which matched the hats at Target for $2.50 a pair.

After Dinner:
Have a fortune cookie(s) in a take-out box (I would have one real one to eat, and then a paper fortune cookie with your own fortune in it..)

Ideas for fortunes:
"Tonight will be a lucky night for you..."
"A secret admirer will soon send you a sign of affection."
"The time to make love is now..."

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