Saturday, January 22, 2011

Creative Ways To Announce Pregnancy

Here's a whole bunch of fun ideas that I've collected for you mommas and someday-mommas to announce your pregnancy to the daddy-to-be!

Bun in the Oven
When he gets home from work, tell him there's something sweet in the oven. When he opens it up, he'll find large bun on a plate. As he stands there puzzled, announce, "Honey, there's a bun in our oven!" sweeten this idea a tad: Sneak out of bed early one morning and put a batch of cinnamon buns in the oven to bake. The pre-prepared refrigerated ones from your grocery store will do just fine. When your husband wakes up and smells the irresistible aroma announce, "Honey, we've got a bun in the oven!"

Baby Food
Plan a theme dinner for him. Make baby corn and carrots, baby back ribs, (anything involving baby sized food). For dessert, a small bowl of Sugar Babies could work. Be sure to slip in that you're having a sweet little baby!

The Secret's in the Sauce
Creat a label that says "Husband's Name and Wife's Name Are Prego" and place it on a jar of pasta sauce. Suggest that he help you make spaghetti for dinner that night. Hand him the jar. If he doesn't get it or see the label, you made need to say something like, " that the right kind? What kind of prego is that? What does the label say?"

What's in the Bottle?
Make dinner plans at a favorite restaurant. Earlier in the day, drop off a baby bottle that you decorate to say "It's a Baby!". Ask the manager to serve his beverage in that baby bottle.

Baby on Board
Buy one of those yellow “baby-on-board” stickers or suctions for your car. Place it an obvious spot in your car where he'll see it. Hopefully he’ll get the idea...

Happy Father's Day
Even if it's not close to Father's Day when you get pregnant, give him a card that says... “I know it’s a couple of month's early (or late)… but just wanted you to know, you’re going to make the best father in the world! I’m pregnant!”

Baby Book
Buy a classic children's book and on the inside cover, write "Baby (your last name)". Then, leave it in a bush, grass, etc. next to your house (where you don't think it will get picked up by someone else). Suggest that you both go for a walk. "Accidentally" stumble upon the book. Let him pick it up and ask if it has a name in it? Hopefully there are too many other kids on your block with the same last name as you... :)

Diaper Drawer
Fill his drawer's with newborn baby diapers. Place a note on top of the diapers that says "Make room daddy... I'm moving in!"

Piggy Bank
If your husband in charge of the family finances, buy him a piggy bank and put a note around it's neck that says, "Our Baby's College Fund -- Only 18 years and 9 months to save." Put this on his dresser and wait for him to find it. A new household budget may result.

Pick up your husband's favorite Chinese take out or go out to Chinese. Bring your own homemade fortune cookie (or even a paper fortune cookie) with your own message that says, "You will be a dad on xx/xx/xxxx (your due date)."

Crossword Puzzle
Create a crossword puzzle using things about your relationship. Link to previous post. Include this clue: Day you found out you were expecting your first (or 2nd or 3rd…) child. Make sure it fits the day he’ll be doing the puzzle.

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