Saturday, January 22, 2011

Grandpa's Heart

News of you has taught me more,
I know now what a long life's for.
I've found through you my magic heart,
The kinder, gentler, patient part.
While I waited those months for you,
I reflected on the things we'd do.
I would be your special friend,
Have secrets to share and pennies to spend.
I would tell you of the past,
Leave you memories that would always last.
I would grant your every wish,
Like bigger scoops in your ice cream dish.
I would be your biggest fan,
The one cheering loudest from the stands.
I'd play games of make believe,
Pull magic tricks from up my sleeve.
I'd take lots of photographs,
And be generous with smiles and laughs.
The first time you were in my arms,
I felt the miracle of your charms.
I placed your newborn hand in mine,
And understood the gift of time.
Tender feelings are hard to express,
Grandchild, it is me you've blessed.
Your life gives me another chance,
A youthful heart and eyes that dance.
News of you has taught me more,
I know now what a long life is for.
I give to you the magic part,
Of your Grandpa's loving heart.

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