Friday, January 21, 2011

Summer Subway Art and Blocks

First get a 12x12 piece of plywood. Lowes or HD will cut it down for free. Then paint it your desired color. Looking back I probably would've done a little lighter color on the dots (so you could see the vinyl better)...but I still think it turned out cute!

If you have vinyl lay it on or you could write words on your plaque...or trace.. many options

Put it in a stand & enjoy the summer!!

First thing first is to paint your blocks!

When the letters were dry I put on the vinyl and added some white paint around the edges. I tried a few different ways, and the EASIEST way to do this is with a sponge brush

Next I added a fun wood piece. I took some thick wire and wrapped it around a pencil, then hot glued it to the back

I was going to drill a hole, but decided my wire was too I nailed a hole and stuck the sun in

So there they are all completed

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