Friday, January 21, 2011

Christmas Advent Countdown

Paper ma-che Christmas tree ornaments. Just hide a treat and task in each one and every day let kids break open.

Gum tins with X-Mas tasks

pop out boxes. Super cute to use year after year

Every day unwrap a x-mas book to read to kids

Here's a list of wonder X-mas tasks to do.
  1. Decorate family gingerbread house
  2. Go see the drive-through lights
  3. See the lights on Temple 
  4. Make paper snowflakes to decorate windows
  5. Paint toes Christmas colors 
  6. Pick out a tree together
  7. Decorate tree and eat danish cookies & hot chocolate
  8. Bake Christmas cookies and decorate
  9. Watch a Christmas movie
  10. Family Christmas party
  11. Read a special Christmas story together
  12. Draw a picture of the nativity
  13. Mail Christmas cards
  14. Go to German store and get goodies & advents
  15. Go to the church Christmas party
  16. Dance to Christmas music
  17. Play in the snow
  18. Take Christmas gifts around to neighbors and friends
  19. Do a Christmas craft together
  20. Write letter to Santa
  21. Make a picture for Grandparents
  22. Have a fondue night
  23. Build snowmen out of marshmallows
  24. Family game night
  25. Breakfast for dinner
  26. Night time walk with homemade lanterns
  27. Make thumb print art
  28. Buy Christmas coloring books and color
  29. Go ice skating
  30. Build a snowman together
  31. Christmas Eve celebration (Whatever special you do this night!)
  32. Buy gifts for your adopted family
  33. Make Hot Chocolate
  34. Make Play-Doh snowmen
  35. Collect pine cones at the park
  36. Make pine cone bird feeders
  37. Have dinner by candlelight
  38. Take an eggnog break
  39. Make/deliver holiday cards to retirement home

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