Friday, January 21, 2011

Christmas Inspiration

Santa's Emergency Key
Just get a shadow box, some pretty paper and a key

Candy Cane Sign
Paint red and white strips on a board. (we used a piece of an old cupboard)
Take a nail file to distress the red paint to give a vintage look.
Add words and some twine & Enjoy
Colorful Mantel
Trees are just sparkly cover styrofoam. And glued to painted candle holders found at Goodwill

Love the green and silver color combo. And the white, sparkly, rockin reindeer found at
 Goodwill is my Fav!!

Everything is white and sparkly...LOVE IT

J.O.Y. Planters
Planters found at goodwill. Just paint white, decorate and fill with a tree. So cute!

Holiday Mantel
Love this!! Especial the twigs and pine cones in the glass vase w/ fake snow.
Its a winter wonderland indoors!!

Just an up side down tomato planter to hang cards from....CUTE!!!

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